Name the Statues, Win a Prize!
Hey, kids! We're having a contest. That's right, the first-ever Pop Sculpture Contest Give-Away. And boy howdy, it's fun! Here's how you play: Simply identify which of Tim's sculptures these details belong to. The person who gets the most right with the earliest submission wins! What do they win? Heck-a-doodle, they win a free autographed copy of our book, Pop Sculpture, when it comes out on October 19. What could be simpler? Mail your guesses to: Only one guess per household. The winner will be announced next Friday.
And here's another clue for you all (aside from the Walrus being Paul): All of these details come from pics at Tim's site ( But I hear you asking, "Hey, isn't that just a shamefully blatant way to promote his site and increase traffic?" You bet it is! Ain't America great? Good luck, everyone!
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